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What’s the southernmost city in the world?

Ushuaia is the southernmost city in the world. If a city needs at least 50,000 people.

If the minimum is 100,000 people, it’s Punta Arenas:

Punta Arenas

Reduce it to 1,000, and Puerto Williams wins.

It might depend on your nationality.

Punta Arenas and Puerto Williams are in Chile.  antarctica chile flag

Ushuaia is in Argentina. antarctica argentina flag

argentina ushuaia from beagle channel
Ushuaia from the Beagle Channel

I went overland from El Calafate to Ushuaia in the spring of 2005.

There was a ship in the harbour, about to leave for Antarctica. They were offering discounted passages  but I couldn’t go because it was towards the end of my trip and I had to get back to Perth.

I kind of regretted that, but just over two years later, I was back in Ushuaia.

This microbrewery was on the outskirts of the city. The cushions lay over thermally heated benches.

argentina ushuaia microbrewery

It looked out onto the Beagle Channel:

argentina ushuaia beagle channel from microbrewery

This was the channel at dawn:

argentina ushuaia beagle channel dawn


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Michael from Perth

A unique view of the strange and spectacular world through the eyes of Michael from Perth